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3 Ways To Control RV Waste Water Odours

3 Ways To Control RV Waste Water Odours

You’re all set for some fresh air. You've got your motorhome ready for the road, your fishing gear is packed and it’s time to escape from stink city. But what is that odour? Oh no! Your black and grey water tanks came with you and within a few days, it smells like you brought stink city along with you! Is there a solution? You don’t want to use any dangerous chemicals that produce fumes of their own, and you’d like to use something eco-friendly so that you don’t transform your waste into toxic waste.

Zap odours easily

Yup. It smells. No, you don’t have to become an RV plumbing expert. All you need are the right products and guess who’s got them all? Enough said. Let’s see just how easy it can be to control odours from wastewater in your RV.

Fight Bacteria with Bacteria

You’re going to love the effect of Pure Power Blue. Do you know what’s causing that smell in the first place? Bacteria are thriving in your wastewater tanks. How do you treat bacteria without making your wastewater toxic? More bacteria! Only this time, they’re the right sort of bacteria and they’re mixed with powerful enzymes: no dangerous chemicals, perfectly safe for your dear ones and won’t interfere with septic tank systems at dump stations and camping grounds. Meanwhile, you can smell the difference.

It actually liquefies solid waste while breaking it down into innocuous components. You only need about two ounces of the liquid to treat your holding tank, so your gallon bottle should last for ages.

Pop a pill into the works

There’s something humorous about the name 'Potty Toddy Tabs', but it’s no joke – they really work. Pop an effervescing tab into your wastewater to treat a full 50 gallons of black or greywater. Avid RV-ers will save on the bottle of 50 tabs or you can get a card with 6 tabs that should cover a trip or two.

The ingredients consist of environmentally safe ingredients. That’s cool, but the coolest thing about these tabs is their ability to lubricate the seals in your wastewater system. If you use them regularly, you shouldn’t have as much maintenance on your wastewater system since seals are usually the first thing to go.

Go with Nitrates

Once again, you’re looking at a liquid formulation, but Eco Smart takes what little sweat it takes out of the measurement process with their toss-in sachets. If you’re forever in your camper or fifth wheel, choose the gallon bottle and save. It’s so safe to use that the materials safety sheet is positively boring to read – no thrills and spills there – and it breaks down waste in your tanks while eliminating odours.

Yes, it’s a chemical, but it’s an eco-friendly chemical that you can use with a clear conscience and never a worry in the world. Keep your environment fresh secure in the knowledge that your effluent won’t cause problems for someone else.

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